Who is Rana Qudisat

  • Founder and CEO of Rana Qudisat LLC company for education support and management consultancy

  • Career wellness coach and trainer

  • Author of (5 A’s model to unlock infinite intelligence state) it is a 5 stepscareer wellness program that help career people (wellness messengers) to unlock their “infinite intelligence state”

  • Author of Rana Qudisat career wellness model

  • International holistic health and wellness coach and trainer

  • Master NLP practitioner and trainer

  • Transformation specialist

  • Healer

  • Started my career life as a Nurse providing nursing, health and health education services for 15 years , becausethe deep believe and passion toward healing people holistically Rana developed the 5A’s model of coaching and training people who have passion and message of health and wellness “wellness messengers”

  • Rana believe that healing health challenges ”Diseases” is starting by healing “the health and wellness messengers” “and healers “ in a holistic approach

  • 5 A’s model is dealing with both health and wellness coaches and people with health challenges in 360 holistic approach

  • She believes that what people with health challenges need is much deeper than dealing with their bodies

  • She believe that the message of wellness should be spread by well professional who have a career values that are aligned with their mission value

  • She believes that awareness is huge part of wellness and all teachers and educators are wellness messengers


Highly Qualified

  • Master degree in nursing management

  • 15 years experience in the field of nursing and health education

  • Master NLP coach

  • Master transformation specialist

  • Master timeline therapy specialist

  • International holistic wellness coach

Make A Lasting Column Difference in the Lives of Other People! Vission Vission


Being the best ”wellness messengers”

trainer and coach in the world by

transforming the health , health

education and education process

toward even more wellness.


  • Lead the transformation in the

    health sector and the different

    health and wellness services

  • Lead the transformation in any

    education process toward


  • Transform people life toward high

    level of wellness

  • Transformative holistic education


  • Utilize natural inelegancies and

    maximize brain potentials

  • Spread health and wellness


  • Transformation

  • Creativity

  • Healing

  • Awareness and knowledge

  • Highness

  • Abundance

  • Growth and development

  • Great effect

  • Holistic

  • Quality

Who are my Clients

Health and

wellness coaches




Social workers








A healthy lifestyle was an unrealistic theory for me, until I met Chloe. She’s a knowledgeable coach and a caring friend that I can put my trust in. Now I’m living a new life and exploring new posibility inside and outside.

Natasha C.

Let’s Get in Touch!

Thank you for your interest in my career wellness coaching and training. If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll be glad to help. Let’s me help you for healthy life and be happy together!

My Office

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Call / Whatsapp

+971 50 199 5279

1-on-1 Coaching

Abu Dhabi & Dubai

Email Address

Let Me Help You Live a Fullfilling Life And Feel the Real Happiness!

Get in touch today to schedule a free consutation.


Abu Dhabi, UAE

+971 50 199 5279

Working Hours

Saturday – Thursday: 8:00 – 20:00

( GST / GMT+4 )

Friday Closed

© 2021 – Rana Qudisat – Hollistic Wellness Coaching

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