Holistic Wellness Coaching Programs

I’m committed to coaching and inspiring others to live

healthier and happier. Trust me and I’ll guide you to the life

you’ve been dreaming of.

Career wellness program

  • Rana Qudisat Career wellness

    training program is 5 levels

    training program including

    the complimentary workshop (

    level 0)

  • The program designed using

    many tools that aims to lead a

    change and transformation

    process internally within the

    “wellness messengers”

  • The program in each level will

    put the wellness messengers

    in a state of career well being

    in which they will be able to be

    in the inGnite intelligence


  • The wellness messengers will

    be able to utilize their natural

    intelligences and use them

    with the highest potentials

    and capabilities along with

    improving other brain

    capabilities and potentials

  • n the inGnite intelligence state

    the wellness messengers will

    be able to spread their

    message of wellness In a

    customized , transformative

    way by using their natural

    intelligences and utilize the

    natural intelligences of their clients

5 secrets to be in the infinite

intelligence state

  • aims to raise the awareness of

    the wellness messengers by

    having an interactive

    educational session that will

    learn the attendees about the

    5 secrets of being in the

    inGnite intelligence state

  • The attendees will learn about

    the inGnite intelligence state

    and the 5 steps to be in this


  • The importance of being in

    the inGnite intelligence state

  • The attendees will identify the

    challenges and be able to

    Ggure out at least one major

    challenge that preventing

    them from being highly

    motivated and creative in their


Training programs and levels


The attendees will be

able to create a

breakthrough by which

they will be able to

identify an action steps

toward career wellness

Level – 01

The aim of this level is to

introduce the attendees

to the most important

terms in the area of

career wellness and

have a tools that will

help them to raise their

level of awareness and

have a major

breakthroughs in which

they will be aware to

make the needed

change that will

transform their career


Level – 02

It is an amazing level in

which the wellness

messengers will have a

wellness promotion

program framework in

which they will utilize

their current tools in a

way that will help them

to assist their clients to

transform their life and

get transformative

holistic service with

ease and joy

Level – 03

Wellness messengers

will have an advanced

training that they will be

trained to effectively use

the wellness and other

tools in sharing their

message of wellness

Level – 04

Brief about the NLP

Level – 05

Brief about NLP master


Coaching Program Pricing

Ahaaaa moment session

Get your first breakthrough



  • 1 self discovery coaching session

Better version of you

Lead your career Healing journey



  • 10 sessions coaching program

Know thyself

Guided career healing journey



  • 16 sessions coaching program

Holistically well career life


  • 24 sessions coaching program

Who are my Clients

Health and

wellness coaches




Social workers







Home services provider

Health Educators

people with career wellness challenge

How Will We Do It Together?


Coaching Coaching

Customized coaching programs to guide individuals to live the life they want and create an impact in this world



Coaching and training programs that developed to support group with the same concerns



1-on-1 online coaching through Zoom or any online meeting platform. For details please contact



A healthy lifestyle was an unrealistic theory for me, until I met Chloe. She’s a knowledgeable coach and a caring friend that I can put my trust in. Now I’m living a new life and exploring new posibility inside and outside.

Natasha C.

Let’s Get in Touch!

Thank you for your interest in my career wellness coaching and training. If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll be glad to help. Let’s me help you for healthy life and be happy together!

My Office

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Call / Whatsapp

+971 50 199 5279

1-on-1 Coaching

Abu Dhabi & Dubai

Email Address

Let Me Help You Live a Fullfilling Life And Feel the Real Happiness!

Get in touch today to schedule a free consutation.


Abu Dhabi, UAE

+971 50 199 5279

Working Hours

Saturday – Thursday: 8:00 – 20:00

( GST / GMT+4 )

Friday Closed

© 2021 – Rana Qudisat – Hollistic Wellness Coaching

Designed & Developed by : casacreativemarketing.com